Cram for your PM&R Board Exam

Today we introduce our PM&R Quizbank 2-week “cram” subscription, for your last-minute studying. Get access to all our Quizbank features with 223 high-quality, board-style, multiple-choice questions, with detailed explanations and references for further study. Happy studying, and best of luck on the exam!

Timed tests, flag for review, more questions, and more!

We’ve been busy with some updates to quizbank. Here is an overview of what’s new:

Timed tests

You now have the option to have your test timed. You get 65 seconds for each question–just like on the board exam. Look for this option on the quizbank setup screen.

Flag for review

You can flag questions for review, and take a quiz of the questions you have marked. You can flag questions during the quiz or when reviewing your results. Look for the option to take a quiz of flagged questions on the quiz setup screen.

Test Mode/Tutor Mode

Too tempted to view the explanations and answers during a quiz? Now you can hide them with the Test Mode option. If you want the explanations available during the quiz, select Tutor Mode.

More questions

The quizbank now has 200 questions. There is an option to take a quiz with only questions you have not taken before, so if you’ve exhausted what was there, you can get just the new ones.

More statistics

You can now see a breakdown of how you’re doing by category, including how many questions you have taken in a category, how many of them you got correct and incorrect, and left unanswered. Just go to the Quizbank page.

Cleaner quiz layout

We now hide the header, menu, and footer during your quiz. It’s just you and your questions! We have improved the jump-to-question functionality, including indicating which questions are answered and which are not.

Enjoy the updates, and happy studying!

New Logo

We’ve got our own new logo. We love it; hope you do too!

PMRRC logo

Upcoming: More Questions, More Statistics

We’re targeting another round of update for early June. The two biggest items are more questions (of course) and awesome statistics. We will also give you the ability to flag questions for review. We plan to get these features out to you in plenty of time to study for boards!

New Questions, Test History and Statistics

We’ve added some exciting features to quizbank! First, we have over 50 new questions. We have added a user homepage with basic statistics including how many of the unique questions you’ve seen and how many questions you got write the first time. You can also see a history summarizing the quizzes you have taken. Enjoy!


The earliest version of quizbank is now on wordpress! I have changed the progress bar to reflect this, and now all questions that I write will go directly into quizbank saving some extra work. There is a bit to be desired yet, but it is exciting to have it up and running!

Nose to the Grindstone

Well I keep working on questions. I finished another seven this week. Fellowship keeps me plenty busy and I have been lagging a little behind on getting the questions into electronic form, but not too far off of pace. We are looking at a January beta for people to try before SAEs hit. Also planning on meeting next week to do some beta planning. There is always this balance between getting it out there, and having it polished. I think you will like what we have to offer once we get it up and going.

(We’ll see how many titles I can come up with for these posts that all basically say the same thing 😉 )

Cuccurullo Corrections Are Up

You can see them here.

Plugging away

 I have been making some progress on writing the questions. Interestingly, a number of them that I was going to write I have been having some difficulty corroborating the answers for. As most of you probably know there is a paucity of high quality evidence for a number of things we do in PM&R. This makes writing questions a bit more tricky. Nonetheless, I have more or less been sticking to my goal of at least a question per day. I often end up knee deep in PubMed, which makes it a little slower going.

I also have a number of side projects for the website that I hope to get to. One that I think most of you will find helpful is corrections to Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Board Review (Cuccurullo second edition). Studying for my own boards and writing questions for the website has brought a number of these to light. I am roughly halfway done with that page and plan to have it up an available in the next few weeks. Keep your eyes open for that.

Moving along


I was able to work through more of the Rheumatology questions, and now have started on MSK questions. The first one was simple enough, but took considerable time formatting and getting the pictures to do what I wanted. I typically use GIMP (a free picture editor with similar capabilities to photoshop) but find that certain things are just not that easy to do. So after spending 15 minutes trying to figure out my particular problem I switched to paint and did it in 15 seconds.


More tech/capabilities does not always equal better. I think my  attending who taught me amputee medicine would agree with that! Anyway, have been chipping away at the questions and have completed 6 more. I also spent considerable time working on a procedure logger for fellowship. Has a lot of nice features and some limitations that I am still working on. See you next week!

Bankart lesion picture: Original Author: RSatUSZ.

License: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported